The Tip of the Iceberg in Faith

Dear Fellow Women in Christ,
Thank the Lord for all He has truly done for us. Our journey on earth is not truly over yet now that we have found Christ. We are at the tip of the iceberg and we have yet to dip our feet into the waters as we learn to trust in God.
First, I want to remember to respect and love our Founder Rev. Chervang K. Vang as well as our United Christians Liberty Evangelical Church.
Our Founder Rev. Chervang is like Moses to us leading us through the desert. His instructions and his words align with God's Holy Scriptures leading us with truth, with love and true conviction through his journey in Christ. In his book "Finding God", he talked about how he received the Holy Spirit through speaking in tongues. From then on, he led a life speaking truth about the Holy Spirit to others. Although many did not believe him, he kept on going with a vision from God which showed him the footprints of all our Hmong people come in and out of many churches never truly finding their place. He established our church in 1987 with the purpose of having a church that is ours, that understands us and truly loves and teaches us as a Hmong people. And like Moses, the Lord our God favors Rev. Chervang as His servant and shepherd for the Hmong people. We have yet to step into the waters as Rev. Chervang has. We have yet to walk with faith and yet stand upon the tossing waters as Jesus had done and as John attempted to do.
Let us learn from the Old Testament of when prophets came and went and the Israelites faltered after every prophet had left them. Pray and fight so that we will NOT falter after our Founder. Let us learn to remain strong in Christ with the teachings of those who truly know God. Our peace and our comfort is not because we have found Christ but because Rev. Chervang has found favor in Christ. Because of Rev. Chervang's love for us, we have received the Holy Spirit as well. Because of Rev. Chervang's faithfulness to God, we have received blessings upon blessings as well. Because of Rev. Chervang's conviction, we have found God in our Hmong people. The blessings Rev. Chervang has received has overflowed and filled our cups as well and we must be reminded of this in order to understand how to follow in Jesus' footsteps.
Rev. Chervang by helping so many people has paved the way for us by turning to Christ. Let us faithfully follow and listen to God's instructions through our Founder who is led by God through the Holy Spirit. Let us remember that God favors Rev. Chervang as much as he favors Abraham, Jacob, Moses, King David, King Solomon and those who are truly obedient to God.
Remember that we are a Body of Christ. We must learn to work together as a Body of Christ. We are nothing without the Head which is our UCLE church headquarters and we are nothing without our Hands or Legs which are our many churches here and overseas. We are nothing without the Body which is our Headquarters which work to help us and keep us together.
Although you may misunderstand me when I speak of Rev. Chervang. We live our lives and we say that we need to do what Jesus Christ has done and we need to love as Jesus Christ loves us yet we have not seen Jesus with our own eyes. We do not thoroughly understand the Bible to know how Jesus thinks either. As you have friends and family who believe God fervently that you look up to, think of Rev. Chervang as such. The master is no greater than its servant and the shepherd is not greater than its sheep. Rev. Chervang teaches us to follow Christ. If we can learn as much as he has learned then we can understand as he had on how to follow Christ.
This is truly the beginning of building our Foundation. This is truly the beginning of our journey as children of God. We have been saved but that does that mean that we will truly reach our Goal towards Heaven.
Let me end with a Bible verse that should move us towards that goal:
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2
Lord, God you saw us as a Hmong people, you saw our struggle through harrowing death and you heard our prayers as we earnestly and humbly called You Holy Name. You broke the chains that tied us to our past to our sins and our misunderstandings that led us so far astray. Yet You, our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior, remembered us. You remembered Your children and You sent your faithful follower Rev. Chervang to guide us in the right direction.
Thank You our Lord and Savior.